Great posters from upcoming movies
11:00:00 PM
Great posters from upcoming movies:

J. Edgar, by Clint Easwood
Release date: October 11
There's only one thing that I love as much as I love fashion, and it's the movies. I love watching good films, reading news about the film directors, the actors, the crew...
We have some exciting new films coming soon, such as The Ides of March with George Clooney and Ryan Gosling (not released in Spain yet), J. Edgar with Leonardo di Caprio by Clint Eastwood, (one of the best actors nowadays, he truly deserves an Oscar), the Iron Lady with Meryl Streep (another Oscar for her, surely), or Drive also with Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan.
They have designed great posters for these films, they are works of art! It's great when they are allowed to be creative.

The Iron Lady
US Release Date: December 16

Martha Mary May Marlene
US Release Date: 21 October

In Time
US Release date: October 21

My week with Marilyn
US Release date: November 4

Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy
US Release Date: December 9