On my bucket list: Xperia X10
7:48:00 AM
At the end of the day, no matter where you've been, who else you've met, you still go back to where your heart belongs. Naks!
I'm not much of a cellphone fan because 1) really nice phones are very expensive and I don't like expensive things 2) new ones come alive very often 3) I'm not very dependent on them. My old phone which is an SE K800i is now three years old with no defects (only minor scratches and a missing back panel which I will resolve this weekend). It's still working perfectly.
We've been through a lot together and we had our ups and downs but the love never faded. When fruits became popular, I thought I needed and wanted one. December of last year, Aj surprised me with a blackberry, my most wanted phone! After three years of being together, I parted ways with my old phone.
The new toy did not disapprove. I could not take my hands off of it for one second! But after a short month of good times together, she broke down on me.
I know I'm ungrateful but I'm taking my shot to a second chance with my true love, sony ericsson.