I'm tired. I wish there's someplace I can go and stay there until everything clears up. I wish there's someone who can take me away even just for a day. They say you're given challenges that you can overcome and they make you strong. You are the equivalent of the challenges in your life.
I must be some Hercules or Zeus by now! I don't know why I should be incredibly strong. I sure hope I know why.
There are a lot of things that annoys me but there are only a few that really upsets me. The kind that follows you even when you sleep and greets you the moment you wake up. What's worse, I can't really pin point these things until they happen so I'm always caught off guard.
And if today I were playing in a UFC match, I would have been knocked out on the first match, maybe less than 30 seconds into the game. I'm all happy and bright that things are picking up for me that's why. It's a bit sad and pathetic that I'm actually stronger and wiser when I'm not too happy. It sucks that I have to be foolish and stupid and take in hurt and pain for a small moment with happiness.
Eto na! Bukas, 9PM ng gabi (kasi yan ang uwi ko), sa kubo.
- Mga hindi daw inspired
- Mga sawi daw (kung saan yan ang malalaman natin)
- Mga uhaw sa inom (example, JV Lopez)
- Despedida (kunyari)
- Atbp.
Text text. Alam nyo na number ko. Wag na maarte at maghihintay pa ng confirmation. Sayang load.

I'm not much of a cellphone fan because 1) really nice phones are very expensive and I don't like expensive things 2) new ones come alive very often 3) I'm not very dependent on them. My old phone which is an SE K800i is now three years old with no defects (only minor scratches and a missing back panel which I will resolve this weekend). It's still working perfectly.
We've been through a lot together and we had our ups and downs but the love never faded. When fruits became popular, I thought I needed and wanted one. December of last year, Aj surprised me with a blackberry, my most wanted phone! After three years of being together, I parted ways with my old phone.
The new toy did not disapprove. I could not take my hands off of it for one second! But after a short month of good times together, she broke down on me.
I know I'm ungrateful but I'm taking my shot to a second chance with my true love, sony ericsson.
Jeepney rides are amazing. I was heading to Alabang but it felt like it took me somewhere else.
Traffic, pollution, humid air, different passengers must have something to do with this phenomena. I hate it when people stare at me especially when they pretend they're not doing so. This afternoon is not unusual. I can't remember exactly why I'm relating this jeepney incident to what I'm about to write now, maybe later.
It's always wrong to:
Traffic, pollution, humid air, different passengers must have something to do with this phenomena. I hate it when people stare at me especially when they pretend they're not doing so. This afternoon is not unusual. I can't remember exactly why I'm relating this jeepney incident to what I'm about to write now, maybe later.
It's always wrong to:
- Think that you don't deserve something because other people said so.
- Think that you're weak, ugly, or incapable.
- Feel that you'll be miserable if certain people walk out of your life.
- Assume.
- Not take responsibility of your actions or thoughts.
- Blurt out hurtful things when you're angry then apologize and take them back when you're okay.
- Say sorry for doing something then doing it again.
- Not to at least change underpants before going to bed.
- Deprive yourself of something really nice at least once a week.
- Love others first than yourself.
Maybe I'll add more next time. I still can't remember the jeepney ride story.
I wanna go home!
It's not because you were smarter and tricked me into these stuff. Guess what genius, everything happened because I let you and that don't really give me any relief but just to set the record straight.
It's funny actually how you think I don't deserve you, that you're some gift from the Gods when it's the other way around. I'm not perfect, I screw up on a daily basis but no matter how close you are to looking and smelling like shit, I never treat you like one ever.
It's funny actually how you think I don't deserve you, that you're some gift from the Gods when it's the other way around. I'm not perfect, I screw up on a daily basis but no matter how close you are to looking and smelling like shit, I never treat you like one ever.
I'm telling you now, no more of crap eating. I love you and you're probably my greatest love and if things come to worse, you'd be the last person I'll ever love, but I'm not stupid. I tell you when I'm mad, when I'm hurt, things I don't like and I expect you to remember them so they don't happen again. This time around, you won't hear anything. You'll just wake up one day and I'm not there anymore.
Women marry men hoping they will change.
Men marry women hoping they will not.
So each is inevitably disappointed.
Men marry women hoping they will not.
So each is inevitably disappointed.
-- Albert Einstein
I sure hope I spent it well.
1. Movie marathon: The Big Bang, Faster, Due Date, and Love and Other Drugs.
2. Date with the dentist.
3. Date with the laundry.
4. Date with Aj's uniform patch.
5. Date with Julian and Voltes V.
6. Fixed laptop.
Oh and Happy Valentine's day! Yeah happy Valentine's even though it's the crappiest, tasteless, most crazed about date on February and I'm crappier, more tasteless because I just bought a card and chocolates. Jeesh.
Goodbye Saturday. I will so miss you!!
Galing trabaho, papunta ako ng mall para kunin yung pinagawa kong laptop. Habang nasa jeep papunta dun, may mga kasabay akong mga estudyanteng lalaki. Madami sila, siguro mahigit lima. Tapos maiingay kaya imposibleng hindi mo marining pinag uusapan nila. At dahil na din likas akong tsismosa, nakikinig ako.
Pinag uusapan nila yung isang teacher nila na kups ata pero bobo daw mag english. Ganito yung flow ng usap:
Boy 1: Teacher pa naman sya pero ang bobo nya mag english. Sabi nya: "You are liar." Teacher ka tapos ganon ka mag english? <may point si kuya dito>
Boy 2: Oo nga eh.
Boy 3: Dapat sinabi nya "I hate lying."
Boy 4: O kaya I hate liar. Di ba tama naman yun?
- Not all women can have an orgasm. It's a talent like tying a cherry twig with your tongue or making a "u" with your tongue. If you can't do it, there's no way in hell (or the other) you can learn to do it. They say about only 10% of the female community can have an orgasm (or multiple).
- There are more complaints from women about guys with big dicks (around 8 inches big) than those with small wieners. Why? Because it hurts.
- On average, guys last for 5-7 minutes in bed.
- There are some men who don't like being licked on the balls.
- The place between a man's asshole and the balls is called PATEROS (bagsakan ng itlog) or NACHO (not your hole, not your balls). And while some men would say there's a lot of sensation when touched or licked there, there are no known medical explanations to this phenomenon.
- If the guys you have slept with always prefer the doggie style with you, chances are, you're ugly and they don't want to see your face. They just want to fuck you.
- If you're planning to buy your girlfriend a vibrator, make sure it's smaller than your penis.
- Don't have sex on the last day of your menstruation, if you have an inconsistent cycle, because you can get pregnant.
- If you're a woman and you think that it's going to be the end of the world for you because you think you're not getting enough sex, don't. There's always a guy out there ready to fuck you for whoever you are.
Or your girlfriend sleeps with your brother?
If you don't have a brother or a sister or a boyfriend or a girlfriend, of course this doesn't apply to you, but your thoughts are welcome.
I'm a fan of Good Time's With Mo the Podcast and my favorite episode is that of Ruffa's (I think it's the second episode). I play and play this episode twice a day because Ruffa is simply hilariouss (Day, tissue nga). The podcast is about sex, love, relationships, revenge, and everything in between. I've heard lots of really insane problems and scenarios but this one I realized has got to be one of the winners.
Background, this guy (the caller) is in a relationship with is girlfriend for four years. His problem is he slept with his girlfriend's sister! The sister's share an apartment and the boyfriend frequents there. One time, he decided to go to the girlfriend's apartment to hang out. He didn't know that the girlfriend was not there yet, but the sister was. So long story short, they had sex. Now, he doesn't know what to do. If he's going to tell the girlfriend or not. The hosts advised him that telling the girlfriend is not a good idea because one, the girlfriend would definitely dump him and two, the girl's family will be ruined.
Ruffa suggested that he leave the girl instead but he was insisting that he loves her. With that, I wanted to punch this guy in the face. Come on. You love your girlfriend then you go and have sex with someone? And the sister! Some love.
All my love problems go away whenever I listen to this podcast because whatever issues I have is nothing compared to the caller's issues. Good times indeed.
Example 1: A girl that's not fat or skinny (just right) who may have been trying to lose weight.
Girl: Ang taba taba ko na.
Friend: Hindi kaya. Sobrang payat mo na nga eh.
I effin' hate girls like this. If you're trying to lose weight and you know that you've been working hard on it, you'll know if you've lost weight or not. If you want to know if you've made any progress, you go ahead and ask! So please, never ever come up to me and say: Ang taba ko na noh? Because I will be having a hard time convincing myself not to punch you in the face.
Example 2: Someone who's wearing a really nice outfit in an event or somewhere.
Friend or someone: Wow, ang ganda naman ng suot mo.
Girl: Hindi nga eh, dyan ko lang binili 'to.
Fuck you. Someone already gave you a compliment and you go ahead and say those stuff so you shove the compliment deeper in your throat. If I know that I'm wearing a horrific outfit and somebody tells me that it's not, thank you is enough.
Example 3: Profile pictures on facebook or somewhere and the comment says, This is me without make-up.
This is my current annoyance with fishing for compliments. Why do you have to comment that you're not wearing make-up in this photo or photos? So that people will tell you that you're still pretty without make-up? Sick.
You can probably say I must be getting few compliments that's why I'm bitter or something. Hell no. I'd rather you give me something edible or money! If you deserve a compliment, you'll get it even without asking for one.
Not late today! Yeah! Well I woke up at 5AM, played Cityville for 30 minutes, showered, played Cityville again, got dressed, Cityville, breakfast, and left at 6:45 AM. Happy!
Good thing I was so early because the soles of my footwear decided to detach itself just as I reach Alabang. From the gate of the compound to my cubicle takes around 5mins of walking if you're in a hurry and maybe 10mins or so if you're not. I would probably have ran barefoot if I didn't show up very early to work.
Good times. Can't wait to go home and play Cityville! Argh!
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
I was late for 6 minutes today. 17 minutes yesterday! No I didn't wake up late. I was not caught in bad traffic so why were I late? Every morning is like the Royal Rumble of WWE in Alabang for jeepney's to Zapote. Every morning there is a massive flock of people in front of KFC South Station trying to go to work or school and all the rides to Zapote or Las Pinas arrive one at a time! The moment these people see a ride coming their way, the fight for a seat begins. You don't get any special treatment even if you're a gorgeous chic, an elderly woman, a mom with carrying a baby, an ate who's carrying a lot of stuff, or if you're disabled in any way.
You need to be fast (really fast) and ready to push and be pushed. While I'm at this morning shift, no heels, no skirts, no girlie outfits. Hopefully by tomorrow I won't be late anymore.